Alice e Barbablu – Traduzione in Inglese di Liga Sarah Lapinska


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Alice e Barbablu – Traduzione in Inglese di Liga Sarah Lapinska


Alice e Barbablu – testo – video – traduzioni

Monologo di Bruno Mancini

Alice e Barbablu testo originale italiano

Alice e Barbablu – Traduzione in Inglese di Liga Sarah Lapinska

Ischia 3 settembre 2024

Bruno Mancini

Monologo per Chiara Pavoni

Alice e Barbablù

and she smiles, opening herself to a full dream.

A dog barks, a cicada slowly increases its chirping, the seagulls rise towards the sea, a lizard changes its color to adapt to the luminescent rock.

In the first light of this summer morning, I awake with dozens of dreams ,imprinted on my memory, almost as if in the night, in a few hours, so I had made like full circles of the Earth in all degrees of latitude and, as an observer from the outside, I had testimoniated all possible hypocrisy, contradictions, violence  .

Do you understand me, if I reveal to you my potential disinterest, inert, or, perhaps, even complacent, witnessing the starvation of millions of children, children whose only fault, if failure can be defined as such, was being born in a certain place and to a some certain woman?

And I ask myself why the vast masses of marginalized and destitute people are doing nothing to bring about a fair redistribution of the world’s wealth.

Do you understand me, when I curse in terrible, unrepeatable terminology  All, but indeed All, the victors and the losers, the heroes of war and of destruction, the blasphemers for their extreme cruelty, and the others too, even though they have been sung as heroes in history in its blasphemous pages ?

And I asked myself ,why huge

the masses of the nations involved have not been alarmed and are not alarmed even now, doing nothing to prevent the continuation of the thousands of ongoing wars.

Do you understand my strong indignation about all kinds of commercialized sex related to exploitation and humiliation: childs – brides, unpunished rapists, segregation of women, infibulation for the benefit of a small fraction of living beings?

Do you understand me, if I suffer for the geese who are overfed to death and exhausted to be produceed as food, that is absolutely not necessary for human survival, or for the dogs abandoned by their owners, wanting a holiday without disturbing “souvenirs” ?

And more drugs… and more racism… and more exploitation of workers… the atomic bomb!

And you, yes, you, with the clouded mind by another meaningless work day, that is ended torward of the nonsense of  television channels, what  role do you give  yourself  ?

Endemic carelessness?

Pride in personal achievements?

Complacency justified by social impotence?

t’s true, yes, it’s true, I haven’t told you yet, I’m Fey!

I am a Fairy,  who owns an authentic magic wand.

With my abracadabra I could change things, actions and feelings.

I could, but I don’t want to.

Because I don’t want to please the mean, the indifferent and the fearful.    I don’t want to make a better world for them.

They don’t deserve it.

And so, because of the sublimity of rebellious freedom, I overcome the impossible alienation of living in legends and transformed into verses of poetry:

They are thirty-seven

unfathomable sins, innumerable

insults without punishment,

I count against you

o they have something.

i have

thorns in the fingers, perfumes in the nostrils, petals in the meadow palette – my Alice/Bluebeard  piece, neither at all shy – .

I did

tried the impossible by closed

eyes, while my memory has photogtammas

and hallucinatory sounds, whispers, moans,

indisputably noble oligarchies …

and so, I impute to them the thirty-eighth sin

will be

in the splendor of rebellious freedom,

a midnight dance that lasts a whole, endless life, I as a Fairy,

as a Fairy of dogs, sleeping next to cats, strays, bums ,pushed out of the world, of smoke and plastics, as a Fairy giving a smile to brave and gentle Artists.  To all who are magically freed from the dark madness of this earth.

From “bright madness” to fly away with someone in the Universe, just like in the hyperbole “to love to death”.

I plunge my body into a seductive dance, the violin tango, my arms around your neck

with my magic wand

I sketch an


Alice e Barbablu – Traduzione in Inglese di Liga Sarah LapinskaIschia 3 settembre 2024 Bruno Mancini Monologo per Chiara Pavoni

Liga Sarah Lapinska

Alice e Barbablu TRADUZIONI

Alice e Barbablu VIDEO

Racconti inediti – Teatro – Monologhi

Racconti inediti

Io mi ero innamorato

Il Paradiso non è eterno

Il nodo

Odori senza nomi

Teatro testi

L’appuntamento atto unico



Premi Otto milioni

Bruno Mancini

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